Unused Xbox Gift card Code-2024
What is Xbox Gift Card?
Xbox Gift Cards are a great way to purchase games and accessories on Xbox LIVE. You can purchase up to $500 in credit with an Xbox Gift Card. When you redeem an Xbox Gift Card, you will get the same value on the card that you would when buying an Xbox LIVE Gift Card, making it a great way to save up for a new game or accessory.
How to Get Xbox Gift Card?
The fastest way to get an Xbox gift card for PlayStation is to sell it on the Xbox Store, and the biggest benefit is that Microsoft take 50% of the money if you sell it at all.By selling it on the Xbox Store, you get the benefit of it being free. This is a good way to get some extra money that you can apply towards a much more expensive gaming console.
How to Use Xbox Gift Card?
I’ve used multiple Xbox Gift Cards to purchase games from other online retailers such as GameStop, or directly from Microsoft.The things to watch out for are expiring dates, for example Microsoft issued the Explorer series of Xbox One consoles in 2013, those are not the available to purchase right now, however you can sell an Xbox One Explorer for around $300 for what you paid for it.
How to Redeem Xbox Gift Card?
Head to Xbox.com. Click “Apply Gift Card” at the top of the page, and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.Your gift card will arrive in the same gift card shipping envelope as your physical Xbox Gift Card. Your gift card is also tracked for the purpose of verifying you haven’t tried to use it before.